Natural materials for a natural aesthetic

Poppe*Prehal architects construct most of their buildings out of wood because, as they see it, building with wood is the only way to create truly sustainable buildings. But it is not only sustainable, it is also an attractive natural product which creates an appealing aesthetic.

The Metro store in St. Pölten has a full wooden façade made from spruce. Spruce is naturally grey – an earthy tone, it coordinates with the local landscape: reflecting the local woodland and surrounding agricultural land.

And due consideration went into ensuring that the wooden façade would age well. Andreas Prehal ensured that the spruce was treated with a natural pigment that matched the color of the natural wood. Why? Because as the pigment washes off over the years, the natural grey of the wood will come out. So, by using a grey pigment the wood will remain the same color over time and continue to look good for years to come. The pigment wash is also completely chemical free – meaning if it is ever taken down it can be safely reused, burnt or composted.
